Remember the good old days when we had to send a bird to transport letters to someone, or when we had to manually stock up papers for documentation, or even when we rode on donkeys and horses to go from one place to another?
If you look under the hood, you will notice that the world keeps evolving, and technology generally seems to be taking its space, enabling new levels of convenience in all walks of life. Whether you’re in the “I didn’t come to this life to be stressed” group or not, you either view technology as a great tool to diminish stress and worry or a way to bring the world closer together and to help solve some of your greatest challenges. Which means that everyone agrees to the fact that technology breeds convenience
The word convenience could have different meanings to different people. Now when you are asked to define the word convenience, what really comes to your mind?
Well….. Maybe having to shop and purchase your favorite outfit online.
Or maybe ordering your best meal online and getting it delivered to your doorstep.
And to others, like the subject of our article today, it is like applying for your transcript from the comfort of your home and having it delivered hassle-free.
Now that’s convenience… through the effort of technology.
Convenience, Technology and the Pandemic

We live in a ‘technology or fade out’ world. What this implies is that tech waits for no man or business as it keeps evolving.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot has changed and our world is experiencing a period of revolution rather than evolution. Organizations are being forced to undergo drastic changes in order to remain relevant amid a shifting technology landscape.
Let’s take the office, for example, most companies have resulted in working from home based on the lockdown enforcement, however, that doesn’t mean that they won’t still go on with their normal work activities.
Work-from-home, which has become the new normal, has made most employees thirsty for anything that makes it easier and convenient to do their jobs.
That is why digital platforms like Zoom, Hangout Meet, Slack, Google docs, and the likes, that make everyday tasks easier to complete and access to information seamless, are in high demand.
Laura’s convenience story

Let me tell you a story about Laura who wanted to further her education abroad. The final document she needed was her transcript from the university where she got her first degree. Mind you Laura’s school transcript process was that where the students needed to go back to school regardless of their location. How stressful can life be … and then, there was the lockdown.
Laura’s school had to comply with the lockdown policy and thus began their digital transformation journey. They sorted out a flexible technology solution that will digitize academic records and automate the processes of transcript requests and processing.
So, all Laura had to do was apply for her transcript online and wait for it to be delivered to her destination, conveniently, within the desired timeline.

Technology is the chief driver for convenience, and will continue to deliver efficiencies and productivity improvements that will make life during and post COVID-19 a little less stressful than it should be.
Written by Deborah Babudoh (Corporate Communications Executive, Seamfix).